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The Nearness of Christ in Trials



I have heard of you by the hearing of the ear; but now my eye sees you. – Job 42: 5

This is one of my favorite verses in the book of Job. When reading through this book, you encounter chapter after chapter of Job crying out to God because of the pain and turmoil he’s experiencing. He lost his family, his possessions, and his life’s work. Job knew God before his life was turned upside-down, but he had probably never cried out to Him more than during his time of sorrow. Yet in the end, Job is able to see the worth of his suffering because it allowed him to know God even more. The trials and pain in his life drew him to the God of comfort. He knew God in his mind, but now he can feel Him and see Him in his own life. It is a powerful reminder to us when we are going through a painful trial. God uses the hurt to draw us humbly to Him in prayer. When we go to God for our comfort and joy, we will not be disappointed. What a glorious hope to know that God is using our trials to draw us ever closer to Him and to show us His power! If we allow our trials to draw us to Him, in the end we will be able to say as Job did, “now my eyes see You”.





“Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.” – Edgar Degas

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