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Purpose Behind the Paint

When people find out I like to draw and paint, they will typically ask me how I got interested in art and how long has it been my hobby.

I honestly don’t know what got me started on painting and drawing. It has always been a part of my life and I don’t even remember a time when I wasn’t sketching or drawing. I have always loved art and consider my artistic ability a gift from God. Not only in the sense that he gave me the ability to draw, but also because He taught me several lessons through art and painting.

First, art has taught me to have my eyes open to the beautiful things in His creation. When I prepare to paint a landscape, pet, or a person, I look at more than just the object I am painting. I notice the way the light hits things differently, bouncing off some objects while filtering through others. I notice how shadows create depth and texture on objects and forms. I notice the array of colors that influence how we see and experience the things around us. And in all of this, I can’t help but see the Loving Heavenly Father who created it all. Painting and drawing causes me to slow down and look at all the elements that make something beautiful and really causes me to appreciate the artistry of God’s creation. Every time I paint a picture I am reminded of the Artist who has made such a beautiful world.

Another lesson that I have learned through art is that I have no talent or special ability on my own. The finished paintings I post on my blog or Instagram are the results from years of practice, learning from my mistakes, and numerous times of discarding unsuccessful artistic attempts. There are discouraging moments when I don’t achieve the end results that I desire. However, each failure reminds me that I am human and I cannot succeed on my own. When I remember that God is the one who directs my ways and gives me the ability to make and create, I have a whole new perspective and confidence in my work. When I rely only on myself I am bound to fail and make mistakes. But when I humbly give my work to God to use it as He wills, I know that He will bring about the result He desires. With that perspective in mind, it motivates me to do all my work for His glory since He is the one who gives us every good gift.

Lastly, God has been teaching me that my art is meant to be shared. That is one reason why I am starting this business! For a long time, my artwork was something I just kept to myself in a closed sketchbook. Recently God has been teaching me that this gift He’s given me should be shared with those around me. As I’ve started sharing my artwork on social media, it has been so exciting to see others who appreciate and enjoy what I have made. I have been so blessed by the reactions and responses of others, knowing that it is Christ alone who gives me success in my work.

As I start this business, I am excited to see where God will take it and what He will teach me through it! My goal is to give Him glory in all I do, and I pray that others will be blessed by this gift He has given me to share.





“Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.” – Edgar Degas

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